Meet a 23-year-old fashion trailblazer from Baranwa village, Uttar Pradesh, who never imagined she would one day walk the red carpet at Cannes. Like many, she came to New Delhi with dreams of cracking the UPSC exam, but life had something different in store for her. When the pandemic hit, it put her academic ambitions on hold, offering her an unexpected chance to follow her true passion—fashion design.
Did she attend a prestigious fashion school? No. Did she earn a degree in design? Not at all. What fueled her creativity and craftsmanship? Pure passion!
This young woman, Nancy Tyagi, handcrafted a stunning pink ruffled gown made from 1,000 meters of fabric. With its grand 20 kg weight and dramatic long train, this gown was nothing short of a masterpiece. It took her over a month to complete, and her Cannes debut in this regal creation instantly turned heads. Her confident presence and captivating poses gave her the perfect princess moment.
From Dreams to Cannes: A Fashion Journey Born in Adversity
Nancy’s rise to fame wasn’t smooth. She didn’t inherit her talent from a mentor or a design course—dressmaking came naturally to her, born out of sheer dedication and countless hours of practice. Her journey as a fashion influencer began humbly, with her Meesho haul videos on social media. However, as with many up-and-coming creators, she faced her share of challenges. Trolls tried to bring her down, and some even resorted to body-shaming. But instead of letting negativity deter her, Nancy persevered. She continued sharing her creations, and slowly but surely, her followers grew, along with recognition for her work.
Fashion—A Self-Taught Craft
In a world where degrees are often valued more than talent, Nancy trusted her instincts and honed her skills independently. Through trial and error, she mastered the art of creating extraordinary outfits from everyday materials. Her DIY approach and eye for detail led her to craft outfits that caught the attention of celebrities, including Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone.
Nancy Tyagi’s inspiring journey shows that with relentless passion, self-belief, and hard work, dreams can indeed come true—no matter where you start.
To stay updated on Nancy Tyagi’s incredible fashion journey, follow her on Instagram at @nancytyagi___.
Pictures courtesy of Nancy’s Instagram and Google