“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced and often demanding lives, it is vital to keep a significant message at the forefront of our minds: “Positive mindset, visualisation, and a healthy diet” possess the power to create an incredibly positive impact on us, far surpassing our imagination

My upbringing in Bangalore was in the midst of a large Indian family. On my paternal side, I had five uncles and one aunt, and on my mother’s side, three aunts and one uncle. Growing up in such an environment exposed me to a variety of interesting talents and a passion for learning different forms of art and music.

My father, a teacher by profession, also had a keen interest in electronics, art, and cooking. Breaking the stereotypes of the time, my uncles pursued courses in fashion designing and training and development, fields that were not common in the 90s.

My mother dedicated close to 20 years of her life to working for an NGO, specifically for one of the well-known blind schools in India. However, in the process of putting her family, friends, and work first, she unknowingly neglected her well-being. In 2007, she was diagnosed with a severe illness that took a toll on her active lifestyle, managing responsibilities, and numerous small-scale businesses. Enduring a year of treatment followed by nine annual operations, what kept her going was her positive mindset and determination to understand the root cause of her condition. She delved into her interests and passions, particularly writing, where she shared her experiences during treatment, insights on avoiding similar situations, and a list of habits to prevent any recurrence.

In her pursuit of spreading positivity and healing, my mother also connected with fellow patients, sharing the power of a positive mindset in coping with challenging situations. Though it may not completely resolve their issues, it undoubtedly helps them feel better with each passing day.

Embracing several practices, she found solace and strength in her journey:

  1. Yoga – Following doctor-recommended exercises to enhance her well-being.
  2. Healthy Eating – Incorporating fruits and vegetables into her diet for nourishment.
  3. Mindful Journaling – Engaging in introspective writing to understand her emotions, physical state, and mental well-being. This helped her accept her reality instead of resisting, making the process less arduous.
  4. Expressive Writing – Capturing her experiences, emotions, and thoughts allowed her to confront challenges, ultimately promoting acceptance and growth.
  5. Pursuing Passions – Focusing on her talents and interests acted as a diversion from negative thoughts, nurturing a positive outlook.

Today, I wholeheartedly embrace the lessons learned from my mother, sister, and many other resilient women who have faced adversity and worked towards cultivating a positive mindset. Their experiences inspire me to journey towards a brighter and empowered outlook on life.

In time, her dedication to her passions and talents diverted her mind from negative thoughts. Witnessing her resilience and transformation inspired me to follow my own dreams and passions. And thus, I was selected as a finalist for Mrs. Australia International 2024, fueling my desire to create awareness about the significance of health and nutrition for children, as well as mental health for both men and women.

Drawing from my mother’s love for cooking and our shared goal of promoting positive mindset and its benefits, I assisted her in launching her YouTube channel, “Simmu’s Kitchen,” where both my parents share their interests in art and cooking.


Moreover, my mother’s culinary journey has been further extended as she released a book in Tamil, featuring 200 healthy recipes. Additionally, she regularly contributes articles and recipes to Tamil magazines, enriching the lives of readers with her culinary wisdom and insights.

In conclusion, the lessons I have learned from my mother, as well as the experiences of many other women who have faced adversity with a positive mindset, have shaped my perspective and actions. I strive to spread the importance of embracing positivity and pursuing one’s passions to lead a fulfilling and empowered life

Please click the links below to check Uthra’s social media profiles featuring her art:.




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