Tag: Parul Mehta

Our values are different. Will they align automatically after marriage? If we discuss them, do we risk a breakup?

Blog by Parul Mehta, Founder of Indian Matrimonial In the realm of dating, the convergence of two unique individuals often brings together diverse value systems. While some couples proactively discuss and align their values, others may navigate their relationships without delving deeply into these differences. This approach comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Pros of Not Discussing Value System Differences…

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Bridging Hearts Down Under: Navigating Love and Culture in the Australian Indian Diaspora”

In the vast melting pot of cultures that is Australia, the Indian diaspora stands out as a vibrant community with deep-rooted traditions and values. For many within this diaspora, finding a life partner is not just a personal quest but a journey that involves preserving cultural roots and upholding shared values. In this exploration, we unravel the myriad avenues available…

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Celebrating Three Years of Uniting Hearts: Indian Matrimonial’s Remarkable Journey

“We bring people together,love unites them“ In a joyous moment marking three years of heartfelt connections, Indian Matrimonial Australia New Zealand stands tall, an emblem of unwavering commitment to love and togetherness. This milestone is a testament to the relentless dedication of our team, the steadfast support of our cherished community, and the blessings bestowed upon us by our revered…

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