With a desire to excel and a passion to create, Aditi Janveja founded her baby ‘Satya Events’ in 2019 with her partner in life & in music, Amit Anand. 

After performing at various musical shows across Sydney, Aditi felt dissatisfied about not being able to follow her heart in the style of presentations. She wanted to innovate, experiment and set herself free when it came to music. Hence ‘Satya Events’ was born. 

Amit & Aditi have together started the journey of bringing high quality musical events to Australia, from Australia. They believe the talent within the country is no less than the talent overseas…we just have to find it and nurture it.

Since 2019, Satya has staged 2 musical shows, Jashn and Jashn 2.0, both highly successful and much loved by the audience. Satya has brought freshness to their events by experimenting with different presentation styles and bringing musical finesse to stage. They only work with creatives who share their passion and support their “outside the box” thinking!

Satya designs a memorable experience for all those who attend, taking care of every little element that makes up a good show! No stones are left unturned and everything is carefully planned and executed to the last detail.

With an aim to give back to the community, Satya was able to make a meaningful donation to ‘Srishti’, an NGO in India with the proceeds of ‘Jashn’. This helped towards a contribution for underprivileged children’s education whose families do not have the means to support them.

After all the success they have had, the audience is now eagerly waiting for another show and on popular demand, Satya is back this year with a new concept covering retro music ‘Maazi’– memories woven in melody. The show will be coming to life on the 30th of April, 2022 at the Pioneer theatre in Castle Hill. 

The concert aims at bringing back the sheer nostalgia of retro music, the evergreen tunes of 50s to 80s, presented in unique styles. The audience will be completely mesmerised by what they will witness on the night, an all immersive experience they will cherish much after they have left the theatre.

Tickets for “Maazi” are on Eventbrite. 

Ticket link – https://maazitickets.eventbrite.com.au

Satya Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/Satya-Events-108751510527486

Email – satyaevents19@gmail.com

Contact number – 0415 593 662

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