I was curious to know the meaning of sacrifice..
(I looked up on Google as one would normally do)

This is what came up.

The meaning of sacrifice according to Merriem-Webster is to give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations.

To sell at a loss is another meaning that Merriem-Webster gives as well.

But do you know what meaning we Mamas give to the word “sacrifice”? – to sell at a loss.

How do I know this?
I have been interviewing mamas for the past 3 months, and it’s been surprising to see that this one thing has been the burning desire (at the same time a burning problem).

To build a thriving business, without ever sacrificing a single day of kids and family.

This is what’s on each (beautiful) Mama’s mind that I interviewed.

Pic Credit : Gusto

Shocking Numbers from my interview:
9 out of 10 (90%) Mamas do not give permission to themselves to go with their full potential, because of this underlying thoughts that keep running in their heart.

I wrote an article yesterday and I mentioned that I hit bullseye on my motherhood.

May I say, it did get a lot of Mama’s attention.

I got so many DM’s of curiosity..
I welcomed a few critical ones..
And also.. some judgemental ones..

Hitting bullseye on Motherhood means these to me.
?Having freedom to do what I want when I want with my family.
?Having freedom to enrol clients when I desire
?Having the presence of mind with my family without thinking of business, finances or clients.

In short, I desire Freedom.

Allow me to share a few angles of wisdom that has helped me to build an absolutely thriving business, without ever having to sacrifice a single day of family and kids.

Lioness 10-Forked Formula

  1. Start, Build and Operate your loving business from your Business Sweet Spot
  2. Discover your Genius Strengths
  3. Be aware of your Drains
  4. If you’re Muti-passionate, have a clear roadmap to build a robust business, that compliments layer upon layer
  5. Forge a Lioness Diamond Mindset
  6. Craft a flooded pipeline of leads
  7. Keep the bloodline of your business (Sales) heathy
  8. Start planning for scaling from day 1
  9. Consider any progress as growth
  10. Be committed to growth, success will follow

If you implement 1% of these Lioness 10-Forked Formula, you will see 10X growth.

Not just that..

You will never have to sacrifice – to sell at a loss


Not one day.

Because you will start building a business that gives you energy, satisfaction and purpose-fulfilment.

Can you imagine that?

Ah.. This brings goosebumps now.

If you were operating your business from that place of ease and flow, why would you have to “sacrifice” from your loving family and kids?

My family & kids would feed into my energy, I would invest that energy into my business, my business will in turn give me exponential energy, and I lovingly pass it to my family & kids back again.

What a ♾️loop of thriving!

These Lioness 10-Forked Formula were born out of 6 years of being mentored under the best leaders in the Coaching industry.

It is a result of my Education + Experience + Expertise

I would love to gently nudge you to pick just one of that Lioness 10-Forked Formula, and implement it.

Seek help, if you have to, to nail it.

Commit to it for 30 days, and you’ll realise that your family and kids do not need your presence “sacrificed” but in fact placed in this ♾️loop of thriving

What a place of power would that be?

I cannot imagine the possibilities of what this Lioness 10-Forked Formula can do to your life.

Let me know on https://www.facebook.com/lydia.binil on how you go implementing.

P.S. Ideas are worthless, unless we act on them – Earl Nightingale

P.P.S. If you desire to take opportunity to become the Lioness Freedom Mama, book your Breakthrough Call here: https://calendly.com/lydia_binil/freedomlioness I’d love to move the needle at least 1% into growth, with you!

More Power to You, my friend,
Lydia Binil

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