The Holistic Health Haven event by She Magazine and Empowered BWB in collaboration with Usana Australia and Harman Foundation proved to be an overwhelming success, attracting a diverse array of experts from various health and wellness fields.

The event witnessed the participation of esteemed professionals such as doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, coaches, and herbalists, creating a unique and comprehensive platform for holistic health discussions. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with these experts, gaining insights into the interconnected aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The event included talks, panel discussion, questions and answers, yoga and so on.

As the inaugural event in a series, Holistic Health Haven set the tone for future gatherings dedicated to enhancing health awareness and education. The positive response and enthusiastic engagement from participants have inspired us to continue this journey, promising an ongoing series of events that will bring in even more experts from the health and wellness realm.

Our commitment is to cultivate a community dedicated to learning, sharing, and fostering holistic well-being, ensuring that each subsequent event in the series builds upon the success of its predecessors. We look forward to further enlightening and educating our audience on the path to a healthier and more balanced life.

Many thanks to Harmohan Walia for the amazing photography.

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