In a delightful fusion of tradition and modernity, She Magazine & Empowered BWB, in collaboration with ‘The Tradition’ boutique, organised a mesmerising photoshoot titled ‘Heritage Hues‘. Set against the backdrop of Australia, this vibrant showcase transported the essence of Gujarat and Rajasthan to a distant land, celebrating the rich heritage of these regions through striking attire and captivating jewelry.

The photoshoot featured stunning models adorned in vibrant Gujarati and Rajasthani ensembles, including Tiya, Piyali, Uthra,Shantana and Alpana. Each garment, meticulously crafted, exuded the timeless charm and intricate craftsmanship synonymous with these regions. Complementing the resplendent attire were the exquisite pieces of jewelry, intricately designed to accentuate the beauty of the garments and the models alike.

‘Heritage Hues’ served as a platform to promote cultural exchange and diversity, highlighting the importance of preserving and celebrating traditions in an increasingly globalized world. Through the lens of fashion, the photoshoot celebrated the beauty of diversity, inviting viewers to embark on a visual journey that transcended geographical boundaries.

Enjoy the photoshoot with models showcasing The Tradition Collection by Jigna Shah


Model: Tiya Gorain

Model: Piyali Chatterjee

Model: Uthra Raghavasimhan 

Model: Alpana Srivastava

Many thanks to Light Antana ( for the amazing photography capturing the essence of the shoot.

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