When I got pregnant. They said stop working before the due date. I said my body is not giving me any signal to stop. Worked till 5 pm on the day & my little one was born happily at 9 pm.

???? When my kids were born They said feed kids first and then yourself. I said, I need to feed myself first, For them to see a happy mum & not a hungry, stressed out, angry woman.\

???? When I became a coach. They said introverts can’t be coaches. I said I listen, I understand & I create results. And that’s all that matters!

???? When I started my entrepreneurial journey. They said charge less fees than my partner (seriously, I was shocked at this one ????) I said I deserve equal fees because I create equal results- not more not less.

????????⚪️????????⚪️????????⚪️ There will always be advises. There will always be biases. Be aware that your environment, your proximity Is feeding you with thousands of limiting thoughts each day. And may be somewhere they seep inside us consciously or unconsciously. Identify the ones that are stopping you And making you smaller than your abilities. Stand guard to your mind. Break the bias. And reach the sky!

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