“Inspiring words from Shinu Kiran remind us that self-care is the ultimate path to holistic wellness”.

Join us for an exclusive coffee chat as Alpana sits down with Dr. Shinu Kiran, a renowned Health & Wellness Expert and member of Women in Business and , for an insightful interview. Discover the latest insights and tips on holistic well-being in this engaging conversation brought to you by She Magazine. And let’s begin by introducing Shinu Kiran, a passionate advocate for health and wellness..

She Magazine:: Tell us about your Profession and how you got started into it?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Picture this: A journey that weaves through the bustling world of General Practice before taking a delightful tour into the serene realm of health and wellness consulting. Here the magic truly unfolds as I navigate between the roles of a dedicated family member and a compassionate guide, leading others towards the vibrant tapestry of well-being. . I made this intentional shift to not only prioritise my family but also to deepen my impact on individual wellbeing by offering personalised guidance and support

She Magazine: what was the pivotal moment that shaped your path?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: When I realised the transformative power of self-care and holistic wellness practice was the pivotal moment. It profoundly influenced my journey and direction towards advocating for a more realistic and comprehensive approach.

She Magazine: How do you maintain a balance between professional and personal life ? :

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Balancing the demands of work and personal life goes beyond just time management; it involves a holistic approach that integrates self – care practices into daily routines. By consciously engaging in activities that nourish the mind, body and soul, I strive to maintain a harmonious equilibrium. Recognising that true balance is dynamic and ever- evolving. I Continually reassess and fine tune my self-care practices to ensure that I am nurturing my well- being amidst life’s ongoing challenges and opportunities. By embracing dance as a holistic form of exercise within my self-care routine I not only Prioritise my physical health but also nurture my creative spirit and cultivate a deeper sense of self awareness. It serves as a celebration of movement, a means of connecting with my emotions and fuels my passion for holistic well-being and personal growth. Spending time with loved ones and Consciously unplugging from technology during personal time are other ways that keep me grounded.

She Magazine: what is your approach as a Wellness Consultant?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: As a wellness consultant, I strive to create a supportive and empowering environment where clients feel heard, understood and motivated to make positive changes. I aim to inspire sustainable lifestyle modifications that align with each clients unique need and goals. I believe in fostering a collaborative relationship with clients, empowering them to take ownership of their health journey while offering unwavering support and guidance every step of the way.

She Magazine: what is your personal mantra or guiding principles that shapes your decisions?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: At the heart of my practice lies a deep- rooted belief in the transformative power of self-awareness, positivity and resilience. By encouraging clients to cultivate a mindset of growth. I aim to instill a sense of inner strength and optimism that transcends challenges and setbacks. I advocate for approaching each day with intention, embracing both successes and setbacks as valuable learning opportunities, and nurturing a compassionate inner dialogue that fosters self-compassion and acceptance.

She Magazine: what is your recommendation for clients?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Beyond setting tangible health goals, I encourage clients to embrace a mindset of curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery along with wellness journey. By celebrating moments of progress, no matter how small, individuals can cultivate a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue their growth. Consistency and patience is key. Small sustainable changes overtime can lead to significant improvements in overall wellbeing.

She Magazine: what are your Future goals?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Looking ahead, my vision encompasses not only expanding the reach of wellness education and support systems but also fostering a culture of empowerment and resilience.

She Magazine: In your view what are the significant challenges women face today and how can we address them?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Empowering women to me signifies fostering a culture where women are respected, valued and given equal opportunities to thrive in every sphere of life. The challenges that befall women today are akin to cosmic storms, like gender inequality, scarcity of opportunities, shadows of violence and oppressions of societal norms. Overcoming these obstacles demands courage and resilience. By empowering women, providing resources, a supportive environment and amplifying their voices can create an equitable world where women can reach their full potential.

She Magazine: Lastly is there a piece of advice that you would like to impart based on your experience?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: The advice I would give is to believe in yourself, practice gratitude, mindfulness, radiate positivity and embrace growth. Celebrating the art of one’s well-being is a masterpiece in the making.

She Magazine: You recently launched your bespoke skincare brand, crafted in France. Could you provide further details about this new venture?

Dr. Shinu Kiran: Recently I have partnered with a French skin care brand, Urban Retreat by Actilabs, launched in Australia a month ago. Clean, Cosmeceutical grade products that’s formulated in state of the art lab in France. Bespoke luxury ranges of skincare, hair care, beauty & wellness. Socially responsible, ethical company. cruelty free & paraben free.

It was great chatting with Shinu over coffee. For health tips or solutions, feel free to email her at: Shinu_k@yahoo.com

Also, don’t forget to check out her Urban Retreat, a French skincare brand, for your next skincare shop.https://www.urban-retreat.com/me/shinu-kiran/

To read the full interview with Shinu Kiran and explore more insightful content, visit She Magazine’s website (https://www.shemagazine.com.au/) We would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment or share your feedback on the interview. Your input is valuable to us as we strive to bring you engaging and informative content.

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